Howdy members,
While using this forum to spam is prohibited, you can still promote your vBulletin-powered forum in a few different ways and it's perfectly fine by me.
You can edit your signature and add your forum link on it. It can be a simple text link, text link with a description, or even a banner if you have one to use. If you have more than one vBulletin-powered forums, you can add multiple links to your signature. I'm fine with that.
Forum Directory
Submit your forum to the vBulletin Forum Directory - vBAdmins Forum which is a section I made for members to showcase their forum. Please submit just one topic per forum. You can bump your topic but please limit it to once every 24 hours.
Thank you for using vBAdmins and I hope you enjoy this feature!
While using this forum to spam is prohibited, you can still promote your vBulletin-powered forum in a few different ways and it's perfectly fine by me.
You can edit your signature and add your forum link on it. It can be a simple text link, text link with a description, or even a banner if you have one to use. If you have more than one vBulletin-powered forums, you can add multiple links to your signature. I'm fine with that.

Forum Directory
Submit your forum to the vBulletin Forum Directory - vBAdmins Forum which is a section I made for members to showcase their forum. Please submit just one topic per forum. You can bump your topic but please limit it to once every 24 hours.
Thank you for using vBAdmins and I hope you enjoy this feature!